in Schwetzingen

Your opinion is of high value to us

He who stops being better stops being good

We aim for constant improvement und are therefore asking you to take a little of your time and give us your feedback on us and our services.

There where we are “good”, we would like to remain; where the shortfall is to be seen we would like to eliminate it.

You must invariably receive what you are to expect from us:
flawless service and competent attention

If your stay was a pleasant one, recommend us to others:

Recommend us on Booking.com

Recommend us on TripAdvisor

Recommend us on Holiday Check

If your stay was unsatisfactory, please tell us.

We investigate the critic constructively, since we are willing to learn and implement changes to the areas that disturb the stay of our guests…
…and we want that YOU feel good!


Most hatred thing about anger is that one hurts oneself without even employing others.

– Kurt Tucholsky (1890-1935), German writer
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+49 (6202) 92990-0
Book room